I'm not gonna lie, I've become increasingly jealous of all of you that get to clip your ponies for the winter. Chloe is pasture boarded at my barn and she is happiest living outside, but despite my best efforts to layer the blankets, she is a woolly mammoth beast. Which means that any time she works, she sweats and it takes FOR-EV-ER (channeling my best Sandlot voice here). for her to dry off. So while my pony spends cold, sweaty evenings like this:
Jumper Pony says Jumpers do not have to do matchy matchy.
Slobbercicles. So hot right now.
I dream of the sleek, hairless pony that doesn't even break a sweat. The last time I clipped a horse was my Holteiner/TB mare Roxy circa 2007? And we were pretty plain.
Where is my helmet?!
Nowadays, there's all sorts of fun designs to for your pony to wear. Like leopard print. Wouldn't Chloe love to be in Chloe's Mom love her in leopard print? Or zebra?
Since Chloe must continue to be a hairy wildebeest until April or May, I will just have to settle for drooling over some of my favorite clip jobs to help me get through the next few months.
Star Pony!
My favorite.
Or maybe we could be a zebra...
Reverse Star Pony.
Island Escape.
Love the wings on the Friesian!
Or perhaps a giraffe pattern for my giraffe pony....
Classic horse skeletal structure.
Does your horse have any fun clip design this winter or do you share in my hairy wildebeest misery?