Just have a lot going on right now! But rest assured, I'm still here. I've moved, added a bunny to the brood, and work is going crazy. Thus, I present you with a photo dump, just so you know I'm still alive!
Diz is my cozy place. No Hoomins Allowed!!! |
When you slobber over your feed so much you end up wearing it. Chloe regrets nothing!!! |
Hiding out in the Bunny Blanket Fort. Also No Hoomins Allowed zone. |
Workin hard. Chloe thinks she has the meanest mom in the barn because she has martingale sweat. |
Windy bunny. She's not really new, but it's a long story. She's an Affection Whore. |
Chloe and I are planning to head to the KHJA Jumper show on Sunday, June 7, I promise to have updates and to post before then!