Tuesday, July 28, 2015

2 Years of Chloe!

Two years ago today, a plain brown OTTB was delivered to the boarding facility at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, TX, ending my 5 long years of horselessness (Shh, it's a word!).

I'd been browsing Dreamhorse for a resale project pony, now that horse ownership was a little more affordable than it would have been in Hawaii and I stumbled across an ad for a cute mare (small for me, but I wasn't being picky) and decided to check her out.

And the rest, as they say, is history!  I love my Plain Jane pony.  She makes me laugh everyday.
First Jumper Show (stirrups too long, eq VERY lacking, but Chloe was a rockstar!)
Second Jumper Show, movin on up to 2'6"! (still haven't done the recap...I fail at life).
Best friend Crystal in San Antonio
Sometimes she doesn't giraffe...sometimes.

"Mom, it's way too early for a ride.  I'm going back to bed."

Alfalfa and new Jammies!
Fashion Forward Chloe knows that wearing your breakfast is all the rage these days.
"I can haz foodz pleeze?"